Hello Everyone,
To start off the new year, our January ASHRAE Meeting will be on Indoor Air Quality. The speaker for this meeting will be Henry Slack. Henry would like the opportunity to meet members of our community and requested we put this message:
"I would welcome the chance to dine with some of your Chapter members the evening before I speak and listen to their recent experiences in the practice of the profession, especially in a very different climate zone than the humid southeast where I live. Topics I especially like:
- Client's responses to COVID (UV? Better filters? More OA?);
- Pandemic differences between schools, doctors, and commercial buildings;
- Stories of IAQ problems they experienced; and
- Any experience with "decarbonization" so far. "
If you are interested in attending this dinner on Jan 24th 2024, please reach out to Robert Baker to RSVP at Robert@jatc412.com. This dinner will not be covered by ASHRAE, members that wish to meet up with Henry for this dinner must pay for their dinner.

From 1991 to 2018, Henry Slack managed the Indoor Air Program for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region 4, dealing with topics as diverse as mold, odors, ozone, carbon monoxide, air cleaners, green buildings, ventilation systems, tobacco smoke, and a guy who could see mold spores flying through the air and attack him. The EPA program is non-regulatory.
For the COVID-19 pandemic, he advised several non-profit organizations on prevention of super-spreader events with use of filters and ventilation. He has also lobbied members of Congress to solve the biggest problem in the world, climate change.
Mr. Slack earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in 1974 from Southwestern at Memphis (now called Rhodes College) in Memphis, Tennessee, and a Master of Science in 1980 from Georgia Institute of Technology. He joined ASHRAE in 1988 and has never regretted it.