Using Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization to Create Healthy Indoor Environments
David N. Schurk, P.E.
David Schurk DES., CEM., LEED-AP., CDSM., CWEP., SFP., CIAQM., HCCC., ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, Director of Business Development for Global Plasma Solutions in Charlotte, NC. He is a Licensed Designer of Engineering Systems and has over 35-years of experience in the design and analysis of heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems for a variety of market sectors, with a special focus on healthcare facilities. David has authored various technical articles for a number of industry trade journals and magazines, and is a featured presenter at regional and national industry events.
Presentation Title:
Using Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization to Create Healthy Indoor Environments
Presentation Summary:
The recent worldwide healthcare pandemic has pushed the airborne transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19 disease) into the spotlight. Buildings and structures of all types have remained virtually empty while the public quarantines at home, or maintains safe social distancing (or both). As the country attempts to reengage economically many have fear and anxiety about repopulating buildings and being exposed to others indoors. This has left HVAC professionals wondering how they can quickly adapt to ensure our society that everything possible has been done to reduce the spread of infection and safeguard the health and wellbeing of building occupants after they walk through the front door.
This presentation will provide the most recent information on Needlepoint Bipolar Air Ionization (NPBI), the first and only HVAC-IAQ technology of its kind to have recently undertaken 3rd party independent laboratory testing with results confirming it can inactivate 99.4% of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles within 30-minutes. This is a “game-changer” for those who have been so diligently working to create safer and healthier indoor environments in light of the current pandemic.
Topics addressed will include:
- The latest ASHRAE guidelines and recommendations.
- How NPBI technology can help make traditional mechanical filtration and ventilation more effective.
- Ozone generation considerations, concerns, and regulations.
- How tested-and-proven NPBI technology works, and how it can result in superior indoor environmental indoor air quality, health, and safety for occupants within building structures of all types.
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